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Have you signed up for communication from NAMI Advocacy HQ? Click here to do so!


Stories and emotion work best orally

  • Write to or meet with your district supervisor

  • Facts are most powerful in writing- bring fact sheet

  • Fact sheets should be simple and straightforward

  • Follow up with legislative assistants


Practice Writing and Telling an Effective Story

  • Introduce yourself, tell your personal story

  • Explain the challenge and build the tension

  • Paint a picture and add details

  • Describe the desired outcome

  • Conclude—Make the “Ask”

  • Thank the listener


Lobbying By Personal Visit

  • Visit in small groups—bring constituents when possible

  • Make an appointment

  • Begin on a positive note/be courteous

  • Listen carefully

  • Clearly state your position and what you are asking from the legislator

  • Reinforce meeting with one-page handout

  • Meet with aide if legislator is unavailable



For information on contacting your district supervisors and to learn more about legislation in your area, visit

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