Education Classes
NAMI educational classes provide information on how to manage living with a mental health condition and strategies for taking care of yourself, or the person you love.
These multi-week classes provide mutual support and shared positive impact—experience compassion and reinforcement from people who understand your situation.
Recovery is a journey, and there is hope.
"This class was unexpectedly wonderful - I did not expect to learn so very, very much! I find it truly remarkable that this is free to those who are interested."
On This Page
Classes for Individuals Living with a Mental Health Condition

NAMI Peer-to-Peer is a class for adults with mental health conditions. The course is designed to encourage growth, healing and recovery among participants.

La clase de Persona a Persona es una clase gratuita de 8 semanas para adults con condiciones de salud mental que enfoca en la recuperación.
Classes for Loved Ones, Families and Caregivers

NAMI Family-to-Family is a class for families, significant others and friends of people with mental health conditions. Designated as an evidence-based program by SAMHSA, it facilitates a better understanding of mental health conditions, increases coping skills and empowers participants to become advocates for their family members. Also available in Spanish, De Familia a Familia de NAMI.
Advocating for Your Black Child

NAMI SF in partnership with The Kuumba Healing Project / SFDPH is pleased to offer Advocating for Your Black Child. (A4YBC) is a free, 8-week psycho-education series for Black parents and caregivers of Black children & teens (elementary-high school) living with mental health and/or learning differences. Advocating for Your Black Child (A4YBC) is offered in a virtual group setting so that you can safely and confidently connect with other Black Parents. The class provides critical information & strategies created specifically with the Black family in mind. The A4YBC curriculum provides a wealth of practical resources throughout the series. It was designed specifically to support the Black family in navigating school, political and social systems for your child.
Spanish Language Classes

NAMI Familia a Familia es una clase para familias, personas importantes y amigos de personas con problemas de salud mental. Designado como un programa basado en evidencia por SAMHSA, facilita una mejor comprensión de las condiciones de salud mental, aumenta las habilidades de afrontamiento y empodera a los participantes para que se conviertan en defensores de sus familiares.
Cantonese & Mandarin Language Classes
Classes for Professionals
Educator Edition :
Advocating for Your Black Child

NAMI SF in partnership with The Kuumba Healing Project / SFDPH is pleased to offer Educator Edition: Advocating for Your Black Child (A4YBC). A free 2-part online series designed for educators serving Black families (Elementary - High school) with Mental Health, Neurological, and/or Learning Differences. Adapted from our successful A4YBC Parenting Class, this edition offers access to the culturally responsive, trauma-informed information we share with Black families. Gain crucial insights into the challenges Black families face including systemic inequities to cultural biases. Gain greater insight into how history impacts the day-to-day lives of the Black children and families that you serve and learn practical strategies to support and advocate for them effectively.